Psychology Blog
Learn tips to improve your mental health and find out the latest news on psychological treatments.
Managing Toxic Family Relationships at Christmas: When Professional Help is Needed
MaritesDec 19, 2024
How Can You Manage Difficult Family Dynamics This Christmas? Christmas is often celebrated as a time of joy, but for those facing strained family relationships, it can also bring stress and emotional challenges. Whether you’re dealing...
How do you have fun and keep your job after the work Christmas Party?
Gerda MullerNov 29, 2024
It’s been a long year, and summer has finally arrived. The office Christmas party is a well-deserved chance to let your hair down and celebrate the wins of 2019 with your colleagues, right? Wrong. The office Christmas party, while still a...
Christmas Planning Tips to Reduce Stress
Gerda MullerNov 15, 2024
Christmas is a special time of the year for most of us. It's especially a time for family gatherings and while it may be wonderful to get together and mark the passing of another year there can be many stresses about. Christmas is also a...
Tips to Revive the Christmas Spirit
Chelsea KnightNov 6, 2024
Argh, Is It Really Christmas Again? Don’t you wish for the days of being a kid at Christmas, refusing to go to bed because of the excitement of meeting Santa and his reindeers? Waking up at 5am on Christmas morning and racing to the Santa...
Christmas Planning Tips to Reduce Stress
Gerda MullerNov 15, 2024
Christmas is a special time of the year for most of us. It's especially a time for family gatherings and while it may be wonderful to get together and mark the passing of another year there can be many stresses about. Christmas is also a...
How to Combat Insomnia and Get Some Sleep
Gerda MullerJan 23, 2024
Insomnia is a common sleep disorder People who have insomnia have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or both. As a result, they may get too little sleep or have poor-quality sleep which often results in them not feeling refreshed...
How to Book your Telehealth Psychology Session
Chelsea KnightDec 12, 2023
Accessing psychology through either video or phone is a huge time saver and can make prioritising your mental health and wellness a breeze. But how to you actually do it? And what is involved? We have pulled together all the information...
Is Telehealth Psychology Worth it?
Chelsea KnightDec 6, 2023
During COVID, we were forced to get used to doing our health appointments by phone and video, due to fear of infection and lockdowns. Since COVID times and the return of face to face appointments, there are two main “camps” of people....
5 Tips for a Stress-Free Holiday Season and letting go of your Perfectionism
Gerda MullerNov 2, 2023
If yes, then read on to discover… Do You Want Less Stress this Holiday Season? If you’re a perfectionist, chances are the impending aroma of a home-cooked chook and the sound of jingle bells makes you a little bit nervous. Whether it’s...
Helping your Child Prepare for School or Kindergarten
Olga MoisucOct 12, 2023
How to help your child prepare for their first day of school? Your child's first day of school or kindergarten is always a moment for pause. Suddenly your toddler is no longer and your 4 or 5 year old is heading out to start school. While...
How to Cope With Special Occasions for the First Time Without a Loved One
Gerda MullerOct 10, 2023
Dealing With "1st's" After The Loss Of A Loved One It can be extremely difficult to survive through special occasions without a loved one, particularly if it is your first time without them. Whether it be your first Easter without your...
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Gerda MullerSep 1, 2023
We are increasingly exposed to the term ‘Autism’, but we do not often understand exactly what is encompassed by the words ‘Autism Spectrum Disorder’. What is Autism Spectrum Disorder? The term Autism Spectrum Disorder is used to...
Sensory Processing Difficulties – When is it a problem?
Gerda MullerAug 8, 2023
What is Sensory Processing? Sensory processing is the ability to receive, arrange, interpret and respond to information we encounter through our senses. Did you know we have 7 senses? 1. Auditory - the things we hear 2. Visual - the...
10 Benefits of Telehealth Psychology Services
Psych ProfessionalsJul 11, 2023
Benefits of Psychology Telehealth Services Many of us are familiar with accessing services through telehealth (either phone or video), thanks to COVID. But did you know that Telehealth is not only still alive and well, but now booming?...
Psychology: The Forgotten Side of Cancer Care
Psych ProfessionalsJun 11, 2023
What Goes Through the Mind of Someone With Cancer Statistics show that 2 in 5 people in Australia will be diagnosed with cancer, which equals a whopping 43%. When a patient walks into any medical space with a cancer diagnosis, we can fail...
Think before you act: How to teach your child self-control
Henriette DohntMay 12, 2023
Teaching Your Child Impulse & Self-Control Does your child ever blurt out inappropriate comments? When your child is dared, do they take the risk and act without thinking? Does your child ever overreact emotionally? These are a few...
Dealing with Adult Bullies
Adam HashishApr 13, 2023
Dealing with Adult Bullying When we talk about bullying, we think of school yard scenarios involving children. It is important, however, to consider the impact bullying can have in the context of adult interactions. The outcomes...
How to Support a Loved One With Depression
Danica AdolfssonMar 27, 2023
HOW TO SUPPORT A LOVED ONE WITH DEPRESSION For loved ones, caring for someone with depression can be very difficult and emotionally taxing. It can be hard to know how to respond to low and frequently changing moods, and withdrawal...
OCD: Breaking the Myths
Danica AdolfssonFeb 7, 2023
OCD vs Anal Retentiveness Often when I hear people talk about OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) they are usually making reference to anal retentiveness, having to order things in specific ways or being overly clean. People will say “I...
Back to school? What to pack in the school lunch box
Stacey BeechJan 30, 2023
School Lunches for a Healthy Mind The holidays are over and its time to head back to school. This can be an exciting time for many children as they look forward to seeing their friends again and sharing all their holiday tales....
How to Re-establish a School Routine After the Holidays
Andrew BellDec 24, 2022
Is Routine Important For Kids So: the holidays are nearly over and your normal routine is out the window. How do you get the kids back into their routine? Is it even important? Routine is important to kids and is defined as an established...
Benefits of Lego Club Therapy
Psych ProfessionalsNov 12, 2022
Benefits of Lego Club Therapy Lego Therapy is a play-based therapy method that uses Lego bricks and other similar construction toys to help children with autism and other special needs develop social and communication skills. The therapy...
How to Manage First Day Separation Anxiety
Danielle BarghOct 18, 2022
Managing Separation Anxiety The first day of school is an important milestone for both children and parents and is often met with excitement and delight. It’s also natural for children (and parents) to feel anxious about saying goodbye,...