Psychology Blog

Learn tips to improve your mental health and find out the latest news on psychological treatments.

Christmas Planning Tips to Reduce Stress

Christmas Planning Tips to Reduce Stress

Christmas is a special time of the year for most of us. It's especially a time for family gatherings and while it may be wonderful to get together and mark the passing of another year there can be many stresses about. Christmas is also a...

Tips to Revive the Christmas Spirit

Argh, Is It Really Christmas Again? Don’t you wish for the days of being a kid at Christmas, refusing to go to bed because of the excitement of meeting Santa and his reindeers? Waking up at 5am on Christmas morning and racing to the Santa...

Jim Carrey on Overcoming Depression

  No one is immune to depression, but with the right support it CAN be overcome Jim Carrey has made a career out of making people laugh. Yet Carrey’s humour was born out of 'desperation' while growing up with an ailing mother and an...

Anxiety Disorders

What is Anxiety? So what is anxiety?  The word "anxiety” frequently has negative connotations. It may be associated with the feeling you get leading up to a dentist appointment, or feeling a pit in the bottom of your stomach. Many times...

How to Build Your Child’s Resilience

Resilient children bounce back in the face of setbacks and difficulties. While adults often assume that childhood is a carefree and happy period of life, the reality is that children experience stress too. Though they don’t have the...

Problem Solving Skills for Children

How do I help my children make better choices? The problem solving process Does your child seem to struggle with making the right choices in the moment? Does your child experience difficulties to stop and think before he/she acts, which...

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

What is Autism Spectrum Disorder? Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a lifelong developmental disorder that is characterised by certain traits and difficulties. A person with ASD will primarily have difficult in relating to the world...

Executive Functioning

What is Executive Functioning? Executive functioning is a set of mental processes that allow us to link a set of skills developed through past experiences with present action. Basically, it is the Chief Management role of the brain and...

How to Cope with Workplace Bullying

Peer abuse or workplace bullying is a widely used term to describe the intentional and repeated emotional, verbal or physical harassment of an individual by one or more colleagues. It can vary from subtle intimidation or humiliation...

How to Combat Insomnia and Get Some Sleep

Insomnia is a common sleep disorder People who have insomnia have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or both. As a result, they may get too little sleep or have poor-quality sleep which often results in them not feeling refreshed...